sheryll lynne

I'm Sheryll- and I’m SO excited you’ve stopped by.

I’m based in both Kentucky and Utah. Yes, two completely different states that are nowhere near each other.

I have a big personality and I can get a little loud, but half of me is an introvert. If you like to take personality tests, my Myer-Briggs says I’m an INFP, and my Enneagram number is a 9w1.

I enjoy meeting new people, baking (and then eating), dancing when no one’s looking, singing loudly in the car, and making lists. I probably own 12 different pairs of sunglasses but only know where 2 of them are.

I firmly believe there is beauty in every single person on this planet and everyone has an interesting story to tell.  I would love to document you. Without props. Without distracting backgrounds. Without tons of airbrushed editing. Without forced poses and uncomfortable smiles. So if you're looking for someone to photograph who you genuinely are at this time in your life, I may be your girl. You can find out more by contacting me!