about me
I’m based in both Kentucky and Utah. Yes, two completely different states that are nowhere near each other.
I was once a blonde.
I dance a LOT when no one’s looking and my taste in music hasn’t changed since the 90’s.
I own 12 pairs of sunglasses and only know where 2 of them are.
I am scared of heights, death, and I low key also have a slight case of Trypophobia.
I can play the piano, guitar and mandolin.
Iceland is my favorite place I’ve ever traveled to.
New Girl, Friends and The Office are the funniest shows ever. Don’t @ me.
Aliens exist.
I’m a gamer on the XBOX when I have some downtime.
When it comes to photography, I firmly believe there is beauty in every single human on this planet and everyone has an interesting story to tell. If we sound like a good match, hit the contact button and send me a message!