Nominate a deserving Class of 2018 senior- someone you believe should win a complimentary session from Sheryll Lynne Seniors. Someone who has given back. Someone who may have stood up for another person when no one else would. Someone you might look up to. Someone who has inspired you. Someone who needs a pick-me-up.  Someone genuine.  Someone who may have changed your perspective on life.  Someone who’s made a comeback from a not-so-great place. Someone who’s lifted you up when you needed it.  Whatever the reason is- I want to know why your nominee deserves a senior session.  

This is not a contest based on likes.  The winner will be chosen based on your submission. I’m sure it will be challenging to choose just one person because I love hearing about humans who change lives for the better, and nothing is more inspiring than knowing there are teenagers out there who are doing just that. 

Deadline is February 25th, 2018 @ 11:59pm. 

You’ll also get a little gift from me, too, if you’re nominee is chosen. :)


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