hello hello hello
I'm Sheryll- and I’m SO excited you’ve stopped by.
I’m based in both Kentucky and Utah. Yes, two completely different states that are nowhere near each other.
I have a big personality and I can get a little loud, but half of me is an introvert. I enjoy meeting new people, baking (and then eating), dancing when no one’s looking, singing loudly in the car, and making lists. I probably own 12 different pairs of sunglasses but only know where 2 of them are.
If you like to take personality tests, my Myer-Briggs says I’m an INFP, and my Enneagram number is a 9w1.
I firmly believe there is beauty in every single person on this planet and everyone has an interesting story to tell. I would love to document you. Without props. Without distracting backgrounds. Without tons of airbrushed editing. Without forced poses and uncomfortable smiles. I want to do the opposite of all of that.
So if you're looking for someone to photograph who you genuinely are at this time in your life, I may be your girl. You can find out more by contacting me!
“if there is one place i should be right now, it is exactly where i am at. it is each of you who allows me to be here, so thank you, my friend.

The Senior Portrait Session Fee is $375. For the complete pricing guide and info, just hit that "contact" button at the top.